Hitting reset: Designing the next normal—leading sustainably

For many organisations, the Covid-19 crisis presents opportunities to fast-track its business to be aligned to sustainable management practices at the intersection of three elements: the environment, the needs of people and the economy.

How are leaders responding to the opportunity that the crisis presents and what can be done to step up the organisational game in balancing planet, people and profit?

In the webinar we will discuss:
- The creation of a system or organisation to thrive by maintaining profitability and economic viability and nourishing the needs of the present and future generations by ensuring environmental stewardship and responsible resource usage.
- The shift away from an all-consuming focus on maximising shareholder value to embracing sustainability principles of the Triple Bottom-Line: Planet, People, Profit

Hubung Penaja/Peserta Pameran

Natasha KK Mak-Levrion
[javascript protected email address]

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