Horizon18—The global solutions platform for the clean economy

Horizon is the next logical step following the Paris Agreement, 2030 Sustainability Goals, We Are Still In, and America’s Pledge. It was established by World Climate Ltd, Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC), and the Northeast Clean Energy Council (NECEC) to fill the gap in the US market for a global, event-driven platform that harnesses the international movement towards a clean economy. Horizon two-day platform will incorporate matchmaking, showcasing, an international business summit, and side events. It will create a unique opportunity to build transformational partnerships for a cleaner future by connecting a 2000-strong community of customers, solution providers, and investors. Horizon an international hub for sustainable solutions and clean investment with ideal access to North American and global markets.

Hubung Penaja/Peserta Pameran

Bardha Kushutani
[javascript protected email address]

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