ICMA Virtual Event - Social bonds – gaining traction

Date: 27 May 2020
14.30-15.30 HK/Singapore time

ICMA members and interested market participants are invited to join us for a virtual event on social bonds and the implications for Asia Pacific.

Social bonds and other social-themed fixed income products are gaining traction with market participants and are especially relevant in the context of the Covid-19 crisis. In this virtual event, sustainable finance experts from ICMA and the market will discuss key features of social bonds and other virus response bonds, ongoing development of the Social Bond Principles, and the applicability of social bonds in addressing socioeconomic issues including those arising from Covid-19.

The discussion will be led by ICMA’s Simone Utermarck, Director, Sustainable Finance.

Panellists include:

  • Judy Li, Partner, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young
  • Helge Muenkel, Managing Director, Head of Asia Pacific, Global Capital Markets, ING Bank N.V., Singapore Branch
  • Rahul Sheth, Executive Director, Head of Sustainable Bonds, Standard Chartered

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