Integrated Reporting Training

Integrated reporting <IR> is the latest development in corporate reporting that promises to improve disclosure, while “enhancing the way organisations think, plan and report”. It aims to integrate all the key elements of a business; from aligning vision and strategies to enhancing risk management.

It goes beyond performance reporting to include reporting of value creation strategies and processes of an organisation. Companies, investors and even the public sector globally have professed benefits.

<IR>, it’s an exciting buzzword, it’s a game changer.

Training Outcomes

At the end of the one-day intensive training, you will:

  • Appreciate <IR>’s role and its benefits in the evolution of corporate reporting, globally and in the Singapore context
  • Understand the link between integrated thinking and <IR>
  • Understand International <IR> Framework: Fundamental Concepts, 7 Guiding Principles & 8 Content Elements
  • Review case study examples

Who should attend?

  • You want to improve your organisation’s corporate reporting. You may be in Investor Relations, Corporate Relations, or Public Affairs.
  • You want to take sustainability reporting and strategy to the next level. You may be in any function – sustainability cuts across departments.
  • You want to understand how <IR> can drive internal performance. You may be in Finance, Performance Management, Operations, Strategy, or Human Resources developing a Balanced Scorecard.

Click here to register

The ‘Why’, ‘What’, ‘Who’ of Integrated Reporting

  • Why? <IR> aims to drive long-term thinking. Investors, notably pension funds challenged with a long investment horizon, are increasingly concerned about companies preoccupied with squeezing out short-term profits at the expense of long-term returns.
  • What? An integrated report should concisely tell the story of how a company creates value over the short, medium and long term. This is only possible as a reflection of integrated thinking – integrated across functions, time horizons and capitals.
  • Who? The governance and working groups of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) reflects a joining of sustainability and accountancy gurus. These communities had developed reporting strands independently, resulting in disjointed development of sustainability and business strategies and/or unnecessary overlaps in annual and sustainability reports.


This course is organised by Global Compact Network Singapore,and delivered by Paia who has practical experience in helping companies produce integrated and sustainability reports since 2002.

Click here to register.

Course Details

Date & Time

7 June 2016, Tuesday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm (Registration starts at 8:30am)


Singapore Business Federation
10 Hoe Chiang Road, Keppel Towers
#22-01, Seminar room 1
Singapore 089315


S$380 – Special for GCNS members
S$490 – Regular
(Inclusive of course fee, lunch, notes and tea breaks)

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