Municipal Waste (MSW) to Energy

A comprehensive guide to the conversion technologies and market opportunities for conversion of municipal waste to useful energy products.

Key learning objectives:

  • Understanding the sources and limitations of feedstocks available for waste to energy projects
  • Comparing and evaluating the conversion technologies available to create energy or energy carriers from waste
  • Demystifying the many terminologies and technologies used to describe the complex map of conversion pathways
  • Understand the policy and investment drivers behind MSW to energy projects
  • Describe the current market and future market opportunities, including key economic challenges and risks

Course overview

The waste to energy industry is set to reach $26 billion by 2016 and growing worldwide at a rapid rate, driven by a growing policy and practical requirement to close or reduce waste to landfill sites. This imperative to reduce or remove municipal waste is driving and enabled in particular by the development of new advanced thermal technologies, which go beyond traditional, volume-reducing “incineration” and instead allow the production of useful end-use energy or energy carriers.

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the MSW to energy industry, including detailed descriptions of current and emerging waste conversion technologies, along with the key feedstock supply and economic requirements of the MSW to energy business.

Level & Style

  • The course presents a variety of technological and other principles and terminology, but all are explained in a clear, business-friendly manner, making no assumption of prior technical knowledge.
  • Thus it is specifically suited to senior business people, both newcomers to the waste-to-energy business or to those in commercially-focused roles within the industry who need a clear understanding of how complex technologies can impact overall business success. It is not designed as “hands-on” training for field engineers or installers.
  • Content is delivered throughout in an informal, interactive manner, encouraging questions and discussion and attendees, and using a variety of presentation media.
  • Green Power Academy is an independent training organisation, exclusively focused on training and on the renewable energy sector. We have no other interests or non-training business to promote, and thus provide an unbiased, hype-free view of the topics, happy to highlight diverse opinions and data where and when these exist.

Who should attend?

Those involved in:

  • Business development and strategy,
  • Investment and financial planning,
  • Environmental and waste management
  • Legal and contracting,
  • Project management and development,
  • Policy planning


  • Waste management companies
  • Local and City authorities
  • Large enterprises and corporations
  • W2E technology vendors
  • W2E project developers and investors
  • National governments and policymakers
  • Project finance and other funding providers
  • Lawyers
  • And others with a business interest in the waste-to-energy industry

Supporting materials you will receive:

  • Hard and soft copies of presentation materials
  • Excel spreadsheets and models
  • Latest industry case studies and examples
  • Comprehensive reading list for further study after the course
  • A certificate of attendance

Why Choose Green Power Academy?

  • Unique courses that can’t be found anywhere else
  • CPD certified
  • Over 1250 delegates already trained
  • Class sizes limited to ensure enough one to one time with the course lecturer
  • Latest case studies and examples used
  • Interactive class sessions
  • Courses held at 4-5 star hotels in central city locations

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