National Energy from Waste Conference

The National Energy from Waste Conference will be held from 25-27 October 2016 at the Novotel Sydney Brighton Beach, NSW. The theme adopted for this year’s conference is Waste today, energy tomorrow.

The conference will explore the full life cycle potential of energy from waste in Australia – from project creation, technologies, regulatory settings, stakeholder engagement, bankability, funding, integration with other infrastructure, procurement, design, construction, operation, maintenance and aftercare.

Keynote presentations will include experienced practitioners who are instrumental in developing, delivering and operating energy from waste plants overseas.

The conference will be of particular interest to: waste, resource recovery and environment managers; local, state and federal government; service and technology providers; planners; engineers; academics and consultants.

Participants will have the opportunity to share their expertise and knowledge, showcase their innovative ideas, learn from industry experts and network with their industry peers.

Interested in sponsoring this event download the Sponsorship Prospectus.

Hubung Penaja/Peserta Pameran

Jan Cornay
[javascript protected email address]

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