Nature-based solutions: the state of play in Asia

Nature-based solutions: the state of play in Asia

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are broadly defined as the use of nature and ecological functions to address societal challenges like climate change, disaster risk reduction, food and water security, and planetary health. These solutions are underpinned by benefits generated from healthy ecosystems and can deliver significant outcomes for economic development and resilience.

Globally, successful examples include New York City saving US$1.5 billion by investing in the protection of the upstream Catskills Mountains watershed to secure clean water downstream for the city. Indonesia’s Rimba Raya is the largest REDD+ project in the world in terms of avoided emissions delivered to date, at more than 130 million tonnes of carbon emissions. The world’s largest mangrove reforestation project in Senegal generated half a million tonnes of carbon offsets over its 30-year lifetime and replenished fish stocks by up to 18,000 additional tonnes annually.

With varying scales of NbS deployed worldwide, what is the current state of play for NbS in Asia?  

Join us for our Lunch & Learn virtual session where we will host a sharing by experts and practitioners on understanding the current state of play when it comes to Nature-based Solutions. These experts will map the state of play for NbS in cities and countries across Asia.

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