Robots & Atmospheric Water / Blue tech

Our next opportunity to network with local cleantechies is next Tuesday july 23rd 2013.

Friends & members from recycling, green building, wind power, solar power, biomass, hydropower, biofuels, green transportation businesses will gather. In a casual atmosphere, two green technologies companies will introduce their latest innovations in 30 mins each.

Let’s talk BlueTech!

Speakers presentation and Q&A

  1. Arnaud Mallet will demonstrate how robots get water pipes diagnosed, fixed and re-lined. Water leakage and hazardous water grids are “souvenirs”. USA technology being introduced in Asian markets.
  2. Dave Weinstein on solutions to the 700 billion m3 water shortage coming to us by 2030. Strong patent background for Aquifer systems which are ready to supply water off-grid, in high volumes at competitive cost.
  3. Presentation from InvestHK on the StartmeUp program and community news. Brief reviews of the past events in other Cleantuesday communities worldwide.

Parking available at Universal Trade Center and The Centrium

Time : 18h30 till 9PM, July 23rd 2013

Wanna join? Click “Register Now”. Can’t be there? Forward the invite to a friend or colleague.

Want to support us? Share the event on linkedin facebook weibo

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CleanTuesday Asia team
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