Strategic Community Investment Certified Training

Corporate Citizenship, pioneers of the global standard LBG, is pleased to introduce Strategic Community Investment Certified Training in Singapore to provide individuals with practical tools and knowledge to measure and manage community investment activities.

About the training:

This two-day intensive community investment course is the first certification training by LBG in Southeast Asia. Used by over 300 organisations around the world, LBG (formerly London Benchmarking Group) is widely regarded as the global standard for measuring and managing corporate community investment.

Participants will develop their knowledge of community investment, its importance as a core function of a responsible organisation and how it can benefit the business. Participants will learn to apply the LBG methodology (the framework and measurement principles) to assess the input, output and impacts of their community investment activities.

The training combines theory and a practical approach for participants to apply in their day-to-day roles. Case studies from global and Asian companies will be used to illustrate examples of good practice.

Training objectives

Participants will be able to:

  • Understand and build the business case to strategic community investment
  • Gain an understanding on how to align community investment with business strategy, including approaches to employee volunteering
  • Set KPIs/targets and collect relevant data using available tools and processes
  • Measure community investment programmes using the LBG framework:
    • Input: The resources a company provides to support a community activity
    • Output: The activities delivered, numbers reached, funds raised and business-related activity resulting from the contributions made
    • Impact: The short or longer-term outcomes that result from community activities
  • Use measurement to inform programme development and reporting

Who is it for?

This training is designed for individuals with responsibility for managing community related programmes in companies and corporate foundations.

It is also suitable for individuals working in NGOs and governments agencies interested in learning how they can better manage and measure their community investment activities.

About the trainers:

This course is delivered by the Directors of Corporate Citizenship in Australia and Singapore. Corporate Citizenship has been pioneering LBG as a global standard for community investment for over 20 years.

Today, we advise companies on measurement and community data assurance using the LBG methodology. Our LBG team also continues to manage the LBG network and update the framework on behalf of our members worldwide.

Registrations will close on 4 May 2018 and will take place on a first-come-first-serve basis.

To find out more about our work in strategic community investment, visit

For more on the LBG framework and network, visit

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