Sustainable Urban Transport

‘Sustainable Urban Transport’ is the second of 5 modules of the Sustainable Urbanisation International Leadership Programme, which offers a series of 5-day modules at top-level universities; TU Delft, University of Oxford, Peking University, INSEAD, and Copenhagen Business School. Learn more about the programme and the other modules at

Transport is a topic that impacts on all people and substantially influences the way we see the world and interact with it. There is now broad recognition that achieving sustainable urban mobility in our towns and cities is a major challenge that concerns the business sector, policy-makers and the general public alike. This five-day module is specifically designed to provide the necessary knowledge, skills and expertise, supported by the latest research evidence to address the complexity of issues associated with making urban transport sustainable.

Why take this module?

  • Understand the relationship between sustainability and transport in different urban contexts
  • Acquire the frameworks and tools to provide sustainable urban transport systems from policy and governance perspectives through to practical delivery
  • Be exposed to leading academic, policy, business and industry experts providing a wide range of disciplinary perspectives and international experience
  • Create valuable networks within the relevant professional and academic sustainability sectors

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