The 6th Energy Storage Forum - Europe 2013

Our past 5 Forums had a total of 200+ speakers including more than 30 leading utilities such as EDF, E.ON, ENBW, RWE, GDF SUEZ, TERNA, DONG ENERGY, CHINA STATE GRID, ENEL, with participants from over 35 countries.

The 6th Energy Storage Forum Berlin will feature 50 speakers including 17 utilities/TSOs/DSOs and 7 regulators from over 17 countries. There will be over 40 topics to be discussed covering all aspects of energy storage.

Tech Soap Box which is a unique feature of the Forum featuring the best new cutting edge energy storage technology. Audience will evaluate the winner.

Build An Action Plan together in groups soon after the conference with the help of 2 experts. This session is uniquely designed to this Forum and it will give you actionable information that you can work on as soon as you are back at the office.

Download the programme here:

For more information about the Forum, kindly visit our website here:

Hubung Penaja/Peserta Pameran

Emily Low
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