The Human Scale: Green Drinks January Film Screening

50 % of the world’s population lives in urban areas. By 2050 this will increase to 80%. Life in a mega city is both enchanting and problematic. Today we face peak oil, climate change, loneliness and severe health issues due to our way of life. But why?

At Green Initiatives’ 58th documentary film screening of The Human Scale, the Danish architect and professor Jan Gehl who has studied human behavior in cities through 40 years will tell us how modern cities repel human interaction, and argue that we can build cities in a way, which takes human needs for inclusion and intimacy into account.

The Human Scale meets thinkers, architects and urban planners across the globe. It questions our assumptions about modernity, exploring what happens when we put people into the center of our planning.

What is a happy life, and can a city make us happy? What is a good city? Is it made of highways, gated communities and highrise structures? Or is it made of bikeways, parks and walking streets? Can architecture meet our human needs in the face of future challenges?

Film screening will be followed by a short discussion.

For more information or RSVP, please visit our website.

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