UK innovations in plastics: Role of standards in achieving ESG targets

UK innovations in plastics: Role of standards in achieving ESG targets

The Department for International Trade (DIT) is organising a webinar that will spotlight some of the UK’s innovations in plastics such as emerging technologies for biodegradable plastics and offer a glimpse on the role of standards as a viable policy lever national governments can use to achieve ESG and sustainability targets.

JOIN THIS FREE WEBINAR to learn about the UK’s innovations in plastics – including the role of national standards and new technologies in achieving ESG targets. Be in the know of the Philippines solid waste management outlook and get a chance to interact with industry leaders and experts across the plastics value chain.


The scourge of plastic pollution remains unabated in the Philippines. According to Government estimates, plastics take up a significant bulk of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated, accounting for 38% of recyclables segment. This figure is set to increase, bolstered by unfettered urbanisation and consumption-based growth. The onset of the global pandemic has also led to a surge in disposable plastics – making plastic management a topical issue. Overall, Metro Manila will contribute to the lion’s share of waste production – an emblematic trait of many mega cities’ rapid ascent.

Therefore, addressing the challenge of plastics will require participation from broad swathes of the economy – including consumers, private companies, and public sector.

Agenda and Speakers

  • Welcoming Remarks: Richard Colley - Director of Trade and Investment, UK Department for International Trade, British Embassy Manila
  • Keynote Address: Dr. Theresa Mundita Lim - Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity; and COP26 Climate Defender for Nature-based Solutions
  • Philippine Solid Waste Management Overview: Benny D. Antiporda - Undersecretary for Solid Waste Management and Local Government Units Concerns, Department Of Environment And Natural Resources Philippine Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
  • The Role of Standards in Addressing Plastic Pollution: David Fatscher - Head of Sector (Environmental, Social and Governance), British Standard Institution
  • Technology Showcase - Polymateria: Niall Dunne - CEO, Polymateria
  • Industry Outlook - Plastics Value Chain: Danny Ngo - President, Philippine Plastics Industry Association
  • Q&A - Reactor: Dr. Rodel Lasco - Executive Director, Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation, Inc.; and COP26 Climate Defender for Adaptation & Resilience

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UK Department for International Trade - Manila
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