You, Me and the Environment: Earth Day 2019 Community Special

FEIY and GREEN INITIATIVES are joining forces for Earth Day 2019 celebration! And we aim to celebrate not just a day, but you. Your ideas, your stories, your experiences that have the potential to inspire others and make a different in the lives of those around you.

This year, the Earth Day happens in a global context where we see unprecedented interest and mobilisation for the climate and to ecosystem protection happening all around the world. It’s now the time, more than ever, to reconnect with the beauty of nature and appreciate the impact that it can have on our human lives.

All year long our organisations raise awareness and promote actions to faciliate positive change in our relationship with the earth. Be it with individual or with businesses, we look at the problems around us, and we try to figure out solutions - together with you.

So this Earth Day we want to pause, to spread the magic of the earth and the beauty of nature through beautiful stories.

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Green Initiatives
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