34 people and companies get green awards

Twelve people and 22 companies won Indonesia Green Awards 2011 on Wednesday.

The Indonesia Green Awards 2011, which was initiated by Bisnis and CSR Magazine and the La Trofi School of CSR, selected the 34 recipients for their environmental work in Indonesia.

The individual winners are Surakarta Major Joko Widodo, “Easy Green Living” writer Valerina Daniel, Wakatobi Regent Hugua, cyclist Agustinus “Nugie” Nugroho, Taman Safari Indonesia founder Tony Sumampau, initiator of the Jakarta Berkebun community M. Ridwan Kamil, South Jakarta Major Syahrul Effendi, Gardening Academy (Akademi Berkebun) founders Ida Amal and Amal Alghozali, East Kalimantan Governor Awang Foroek Ishak, Indonesian Scavengers Union chairperson Cathy Lengkong, Komodo activist Zeby Febrina and Greenheart Indonesia foundation chairman Erbe Sentanu.

The companies that won the awards are Danone Aqua, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, BSD Green Office Park, HSBC Indonesia, PT Antam, PT Semen Gresik, PT Jasa Marga, Surabaya Plaza Hotel, contractor company PT PP, PT Bank Negara Indonesia, PT SMART Tbk, PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper, PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa, PT Astra Agro Lestari, PT Telekomunikasi Selular, PT Bukit Asam, Sinarmas Forestry, PT Wiraswasta Gemilang Indonesia, PT Bakrieland Development, Djarum Trees for Life, PT Freeport Indonesia and Total E&P Indonesie.

The committee said the companies had implemented environmental conservation programs.

The second annual awards were slightly different from the first in 2010, in which there were several categories, such as green corporate social responsibility (CSR), green mining, green manufacturing, green agribusiness, green real estate, green banking, green hotels, green media, green provinces, green cities and green NGOs. This year, the awards had only one category: the inspiring on earth.

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