Credai to focus on affordable housing, green buildings

The real estate lobby, Confederation of Real Estate Developers Associations of India (Credai), plans to focus on affordable housing, green buildings and skill development among construction workers.

“The task force report on affordable housing is already with the government and we will impress upon the concerned departments to facilitate its implementation.” said Lalit Kumar Jain, newly elected chairman of Credai.

Credai has been campaigning for streamlining the approval processes across the country. “In fact, the centre should issue guidelines to states regarding online approvals and single window system,” he said, pointing out that the states such as Punjab which have implemented a single window system are doing very well.

A plan panel, which was set up last year under former Competition Commission of India chairman Dhanendra Kumar to streamline the approvals procedure for real estate projects, has recommended the single-window clearance model.

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