Ford to accelerate waste reduction effort

Ford is aiming for a 40 per cent cut in the waste it sends to landfill per vehicle produced by 2016 as part of a new five-year global waste reduction plan.

Meeting the goal would see just 13.4lb (6.1kg) per vehicle sent to landfill between 2011 and 2016, building on the drop from 37.9lb (17.2kg) to 22.7lb (10.3kg) achieved between 2007 and 2011.

Under the new strategy, the carmaker intends to stop certain kinds of waste from entering its facilities.

This includes identifying the five largest volume waste-to-landfill streams at each plant before developing reduction plans, improving waste sorting procedures to make recycling and reuse easier, and investing in new technologies that minimise waste, such as dry machining.

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