Govt invites Chinese investors to develop ports

The Indonesian government is inviting Chinese investors to increase their investment in the shipbuilding and port sectors in Indonesia, an official said.

The Chinese investment in the sectors would pave the way for the government plan to develop national connectivity and logistics system, Deputy for Industry and Trade Coordination to the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Edy Putra Irawady said at a seminar on the prospects for Indonesia-China relations here on Tuesday.

He said the government had prepared a blueprint for a national logistics system covering the development of ports and shipbuilding businesses to create regional connectivity.

China which had more advanced technology in the shipbuilding and port sector could participate in the development of port and shipbuilding industry in Indonesia, he said.

Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Suryo Bambang Sulisto meanwhile said China was one of Indonesia`s potential partners to develop regional connectivity through the development of the port and shipbuilding sectors.

“What is badly needed by the eastern parts of Indonesia is connectivity. The development of port and shipbuilding businesses will be the starting point for the development of the region,” he said.

He said the eastern parts of Indonesia covering Maluku, Papua, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara offered bright prospects for port and shipbuilding businesses.

“The government must encourage the development of the businesses there,” he said.

Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Zhang Qiyue said although Chinese investors constituted newcomers in the development of infrastructure facilities in Indonesia he would encourage them to expand their businesses in Indonesia.

“Since the development of infrastructures is high on the list of the Indonesian government`s priorities we will encourage the Chinese investors to get involved in it. We will guide and support the Chinese companies to expand their investment not only in the energy and natural resource sector but also in other sectors, such as services, agriculture, fisheries and telecommunications,” he said.

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