PGE’s top executives fired for poor performance

The State-owned Enterprises Ministry as sole shareholder has dismissed four senior executives — including the CEO — of PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) due to poor performance by the company’s board of executives.

The minister, Dahlan Iskan, said on Tuesday that he had asked PGE president director Slamet Riyadi, planning and development director Zainal Ilmie Bachrun, operations director M. Irhas and finance director Narendra to quit their jobs.

The four executives, according to Dahlan, had been “slow” and “disappointing” in leading the company, highlighting the stalled development of the Sarulla geothermal power plant in North Sumatra as a key example.

In general, he said, PGE, a subsidiary of state-owned oil and gas company Pertamina, had failed to meet the expectations of constructing geothermal-fired power plants in Indonesia.

“All in all, the four directors have failed to expand the potential of Pertamina’s geothermal power plants because they were too slow making decisions,” he told The Jakarta Post via text message.

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