Pulp and paper supplier denies draining peat on island near Singapore

An arm of the Royal Golden Eagle conglomerate is accused of digging drainage canals in deep peat soil in violation of Indonesian law. The company’s CEO claims the canals were meant to prevent the fires that have sent toxic haze billowing across the region.

smallholder farmer burns field in Indonesia
A smallholder farmer burns his fields for replanting in Bali, Indonesia. Image: Susan Catherine Weber, CC BY-NC 2.0

A NASA satellite detected 140 hotspots in West Kalimantan on Monday as smallholders in the province continued to burn land for agriculture, Indonesia’s disaster management agency said on Tuesday.

Data from Global Forest Watch shows the district of Ketapang recorded 144 fire alerts over the last seven days, 44 of which were in the subdistrict of Hulu Sungai. The number of fire alerts in Ketapang is more than double the number in Melawi, the district with second-highest number of fires. Both districts are contiguous and lie to the south of provincial capital Pontianak.

Indonesian state media reported that the disaster management agency had dispatched Bell 214 and Bolco helicopters to drop water on fires while the air force was operating cloud-seeding flights in the area. A total of 3,500 personnel were working to extinguish fires.

Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has pledged to significantly curtail annual wildfires before his term as president ends in 2019. The government’s ability to mitigate fires will in part depend on the success of the peatland restoration agency, known as the BRG, that Jokowi created in January by decree to rehabilitate 2 million hectares of peat.

The agency operates in a politically awkward corridor between Indonesia’s environment and agriculture ministries, where civil servants’ competing priorities have long restricted efficient government. This week, however, the agency saw its authority enhanced after a pulp and paper firm was suspended from operating a concession and its chief executive apologised for obstructing inspectors at a controversial site a week ago.

Agency chief Nazir Foead and his team were in Padang Island, Riau Islands province, to inspect a concession held by PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP). Padang Island is part of one of four sites selected for priority rehabilitation by the BRG. Inspectors were obstructed by security guards on reaching the border of the concession, with one identifying himself as being connected with Kopassus, a military special forces unit. This particular inspection was prompted by reports from the local community that the company had dug drainage canals in deep peat soil in violation of a 2014 regulation.

RAPP chief executive Tony Wenas apologised for what he characterised as a misunderstanding. “There is an opening of firebreaks and reservoirs as part of prevention of land and forest fires,” Wenas said.

The government should permanently discontinue the development of canals in peatland on Padang island by PT RAPP.

Woro Supartinah, coordinator, Jikalahari

Foead told Singapore state media that the BRG would establish a team to check on the depth of peat in the concession. “We saw only one canal, so now we need to see the whole area,” he said. “So far, we have listened to them…that the canals function as reservoirs but we need to find out for ourselves.”

Foead has pushed for the company to revise its 10-year working plan and to abandon any plans to replant acacia. Jikalahari, an environmental NGO, said the government should act immediately. “The government should permanently discontinue the development of canals in peatland on Padang island by PT RAPP,” said the NGO’s coordinator, Woro Supartinah.

The deputy head of an Indonesian parliamentary commission said he would look to question PT RAPP on its activities in Padang island. “I have proposed to the head of Commission IV of the DPR [House of Representatives] to summon the directors of PT RAPP to explain the situation,” said the commission’s deputy chair, Viva Yoga Mauladi.

PT RAPP is a subsidiary of the APRIL conglomerate, Indonesia’s second-largest pulp and paper company. APRIL is an arm of the Royal Golden Eagle Group, owned by Indonesian billionaire Sukanto Tanoto.

This story was published with permission from Mongabay.com

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