Cutting carbon in the workplace

By Zoe Maldonado

One of the biggest sources of pollution in the world comes from corporations. Fortunately, many businesses have become aware of its effects on global climate and on people. Businesses have become more sustainable as a result.

A large part of going green for companies involves assessing the technology used in operations. Technological advances in this day and age allow companies to become more energy efficient, such as by using wind and bio-fuels. And along with energy efficiency, here are more tips on how companies can reduce their carbon emissions and be more sustainable.

Be smart with your use of electronics

While indeed electronic technology continues to advance, companies, when purchasing electronic equipment, should pay attention to innovation that is also environmentally friendly. Look at equipment that are made of eco-friendly materials and use energy efficiently. Such equipment do not only help companies to go green but they also reduce electricity and health risks, and translate to higher profits in the long run.

Use degradable or recyclable products

Look for reusable options when buying office equipment and supplies. Also, buy office products that are durable and have multiple uses. For example, an all-in-one printer is more environmentally friendly than having a separate printer, scanner and fax machine.

By using degradable or recyclable office products, a company helps lessen the volume of waste that goes into landfills. Employees should also practice storing food products in compostable containers.

Leverage cloud technology

Cloud computing is an example of green technology. It increases company profits and helps the environment. The first benefit of cloud computing is it removes the need for in-house data centers, which eats up a lot of energy and are costly to maintain. With cloud computing, companies simply save their data and software up in the “cloud” for a cost-effective fee.

Second benefit of cloud use is companies can reduce or eliminate the need for paper and other disposable materials. Usually companies store data in thumb drives and produce paper documents; but with cloud computing, all these are rendered unnecessary. Employees can share and manage company data in a secure and confidential manner without resorting to use of hard copies.

Lastly, many cloud-based applications like Stitchlab’s inventory management software and Zoho CRM can be integrated with different features or other third-party applications to facilitate online transactions and improve operations. This means businesses can connect with different platforms such as Amazon, BigCommerce, Shipstation and payment offerings such as PayPal and Quickbooks. Companies using cloud technology can streamline business processes such as tracking inventories, enabling manufacturing and purchasing decisions, as well as preventing lost sales and excess inventory.

Stay ahead of the technological curve

Similar to cloud computing, companies should maximise the use of email and other collaborative software to lessen paper mail and other such forms of communication. This cuts down the company’s stationery costs.

Also, for more carbon emissions reduction, replace CRT monitors with LCD, which use less energy.

Companies should also check on work-related travel since most greenhouse gas emissions come from excessive use of cars and other modes of transportation. To avoid travel expenses like business flights, adopt videoconferencing and teleconferencing methods of working with distant office or business locations.

Sustainability is the buzzword in almost all businesses today. The environment plays a critical role not just in people’s lives but also provides resources that businesses depend on to operate. Whether a small-medium enterprise or a large corporation, businesses should take the lead role in ensuring a greener future.

Zoe Maldonado is a freelance writer and blogger for TechBreach, a blog that discusses the latest on technology, gadgets and social media.

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