EarthCheck’s 3rd Inner Circle to address sustainability and resilience

EarthCheck an internationally recognised environmental management and certification program with more than 1300 members across 80 countries, will today bring 15 thought leaders from the hospitality industry together with five academic experts to discuss current solutions for sustainability alongside measures for building tourism resilience.

This is the third year that EarthCheck has organised Inner Circle, an invitation-only think-tank session designed for global experts to meet in one spot and share best practice.

Attendees include senior hotel representatives from leading hotel groups together with a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize, a phD doctorate in environmental engineering, a distinguished design architect and a business leader on the taskforce responsible for rebuilding Christchurch.

EarthCheck CEO Mr Stewart Moore said this year’s Inner Circle will have a specific focus on resilience and business continuity.

“This is a once-a-year chance for the industry’s most powerful players from around the world to come into a trusted circle and not only share their sustainability problems, but also to find and share solutions,” said Mr Moore.

“These industry titans – some chairmen, some owners, and many senior people in the field of CSR - are often too busy running daily operations to look at tomorrow’s challenges. We get together and find out if that know-how already exists and if not, how we can fill any gaps.”

Coming off the back of last year’s Inner Circle, EarthCheck will today launch two hands- on tools to help with current sustainability challenges.

The first is a Health Check developed by Ecolab (ECL) the world’s leader in water, hygiene and energy technologies and services, and the second is EarthCheck’s own Risk App that integrates paper-based plans into an easily-accessible mobile phone app.

Other topics to be presented include the future of sustainability and precinct design which highlights the importance of master planning and designing buildings in an ecologically sensitive manner.

Also attending the forum is leading scholar and a co-recipient of the Nobel Prize, Dr Susanne Becken who is in Hong Kong to release an International White Paper on Tourism and Water in partnership with EarthCheck Research Institute (ERI) and Ecolab. She will deliver the findings at a special World Water Day Distinguished Lecture at the Eaton Hotel, 24 hours ahead of World Water Day.

About EarthCheck

EarthCheck, managed and owned by EC3 Global, is an internationally recognised environmental management and certification program with members in over 80 countries. The program improves operational performance of member organisations and reduces costs. Recent studies show that six million people a week are impacted by EarthCheck’s branded solutions. The company takes a scientific and systematic approach to risk mitigation and legislative requirements and is regarded as one of the world’s best practice environmental sustainability leaders. For more information, visit

About EC3 Global

EC3 Global is an international tourism and environmental management and advisory group which was developed by the Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre (STCRC), the worlds largest dedicated research centre specialising in sustainable tourism and research. EC3 Global works with clients to plan, manage and achieve business, development and marketing objectives; set and achieve sustainability goals with a triple bottom-line focus and implement programs to achieve these objectives. Its global community of clients has access to experienced project managers and allied professionals, as well as global tourism best practice and research. For more information, visit

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