Integrated efforts will work for sustainable consumption in Pakistan

Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed Memon, an expert in United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), said that proper planning, implementation, and integrated efforts were required to ensure the sustainable consumption and production in Pakistan.

This he said while conducting a graduate seminar on Sustainable Consumption and Production: Sustainable Development Goal-12, organised by U.S-Pakistan Center for Advanced Studies in Water (USPCAS-W) at Mehran University of Engineering & Technology (MUET) Jamshoro for MS/Ph.D. students of the Center.

Dr. Memon said that due to rapid growth in population particularly in Asia Pacific, consumption of various products had been increased dramatically. He briefed about the importance of SDG -12 which is about Responsible Consumption and Production and said that achieving economic growth and sustainable development requires that to reduce our ecological footprint by changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources.

He further said that Pakistan is basically an agricultural country consequently the agriculture sector is the biggest user of water in the country, in this connection, we must focus on the sustainable crops particularly the sustainable rice production.

Dr. Memon said apart from the ownership and behavioral change, we must have specific regulations and enforcement for sustainable consumptions, agriculture/water waste management, and for keeping the clean environment. He also pointed out the recycling also requires resources, so we also have to find the local solutions to avoid the procedural loop of recycling.

He said that the efficient management of the shared natural resources and the way of the dispose of toxic waste and pollutants are important targets to achieve the SDG-12.

He further said that encouraging industries, businesses, and consumers to recycle and reduce waste is equally important, as is supporting developing countries to move towards more sustainable patterns of consumption by 2030.

Dr. Memon divided the participants among three groups to have the discussion and come up with the solutions for their respective domains. The group representatives shared their presentation on sustainable consumption, agricultural waste management and what is the current situation and how to improve.

On this occasion, Dr. Bakhshal Khan Lashari introduced the speaker of the seminar and share that Dr. Memon is graduated from MUET and now serving as Program Officer at International Environmental Technology Centre of Division of Technology, Industry, and Economics. Dr. Lashari said that leadership paly the vital role in the sustainable development so this Center is production the water leaders who will contribute their key role for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Pakistan.

On this occasion, Dr. Lashari also presented the traditional gifts, souvenir and publication material of the Center to the guest speaker. USPCAS-W faculty, management, and students participated in the graduate seminar.

USPCAS-W, MUET, Jamshoro

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