Moscow International Ecological Fair to be held in November

Moscow International Ecological Fair – complex event that reflects development trends and implementation of environmental technologies in key industries: oil and gas, metallurgical, chemical, mining, energy, nuclear energy, mechanical engineering and industrial construction.

The forum will take place for the purpose of association of efforts of the state and business on decrease of negative impact on environment, introduction of the latest technologies and modern materials in production and refusal of outdated and inefficient technologies.

The event will join two branch exhibitions and conferences:

Within the Forum an extensive business program will be organized where topical issues of industrial ecology, ecology of nuclear branch, renewable power and energy saving at the industrial enterprises with participation of leading experts, representatives of the branch state organizations and departments, associations and unions, representatives of business will be discussed.

Besides MIEF-2015 Moscow World Trade Centre will be holding the VIII International Exhibition and Conference AtomEco 2015, which includes the International conference “Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations: Strategies, Practices and Challenges”, organized by Agency of nuclear energy of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (NEA of OECD) with assistance of Rosatom State Corporation will be held within the platform of the Forum.

Producers and suppliers of the equipment and ecological technologies, profile experts and ecologists of the extracting and overworking companies of the oil and gas, metallurgical, chemical, nuclear industry, electrical power sector, mechanical engineering, industrial construction, and also heads and representatives of government bodies of the power, scientists and experts in the field of nature protection activity are invited to the participation in the Forum.

The event will take place with assistance of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Rosatom State corporation, Committee on power of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Non-governmental fund of V. I. Vernadsky. The official operator MIEF - 2015 is the OOO “Atomexpo” company.

November 9-11, 2015, Moscow, World Trade Centre. Detailed information about MIEF-2015:

Alongside Moscow International Ecological Fair the VII International Forum AtomEco 2015 - major international platform for discussion of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel management issues, decommissioning of nuclear facilities and environmental remediation.

Detailed information about AtomEco 2015: Detailed information about DNI conference:

Forum Administration
Tel. +7(495) 663-38-21, extr.161,

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