Sustainability unplugged: A John Elkington talk

The National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School invites you to a sustainability leadership talk by Mr John Elkington on Friday, 28 October 2011 from 3pm to 5pm.

Mr John Elkington is a world authority on Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development.  He is also the Founding Partner and Executive Chairman of Volans and Co-founder of SustainAbility.

Sustainability ‘definitions’ are numerous and John Elkington will explain the elements of true sustainability activities. Through examples, John will show what constitutes sustainability and some of the processes that need to be embedded in a company’s strategic DNA.

John will also present the drivers as well as the leadership requirements that are critical to a successful sustainability programme. There will be discussions on how companies have successfully addressed the issues in starting and expanding their sustainability initiatives. John will also share his experiences as a member of Unilever’s groundbreaking 10-year sustainability plan.

For further queries, please contact Prof Robert Fleming at

Find details here.

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