The Global Moringa meet 2015 updates Moringa Biodiesel Project ROI

Can 100 per cent of Moringa biofuel project be commercially viable? Expert shares surprising facts about Moringa business on 21 & 22 November in Global Moringa Meet 2015 in India.

Entrepreneurs around the globe are finding new ways to monetize the Moringa plant thanks to the pioneering research of Moringa expert at Moringa India shares how easy it is to utilize 100 per cent of the Moringa plant for food, health, fodder, feed, biodiesel and other profit generating revenue streams.

A time when many industries are shrinking or closing down altogether, Moringa plantation and value addition management continues to expand and grow. For one, Moringa has proven itself as a s source of human food and as an alternative energy resource.

Renowned Moringa expert are discovering how to take 100 per cent advantage of the Moringa plant. For example, our research reveals that Moringa seedcake and biomass revenues can exceed returns from the sale of Moringa oil/Biodiesel. In groundbreaking presentation, “Utilization Technology of Moringa Biomass, Seedcake and Residues,” The 3rd Global Moringa Meet (GMM15) 0n 21-22, November at Jaipur, India shares some startling revelations about the future of Moringa and growing Moringa.

About Moringa

Moringa oleifera is an essential plant in meeting Global food security and sustain the livelihoods of many millions of people. Climate change provides both opportunities and challenges for attaining the potential contribution of the wonderful tree for sustainable human development. Strategies need to be developed to address key issues in productivity, crop plant-soil/water/energy resources management, and postharvest utilization as food and feed, nutritional and health value addition, and trade and commercialization, so that the role of Moringa in ensuring sustainable development can be enhanced. On realizing the potentiality of Moringa as a nutritional security provider and the high value energy crop, much importance is attached to it and this is the right time to gear up for research and development activities to reap its fullest potential.

Moringa as a source of biodiesel

The oil from the Moringa tree is a more sustainable biodiesel feedstock as it can yield both food and fuel. Among those searching for solutions to feed the hungry, Moringa is well known. Malnourished children flourish with the introduction of the nutritious Moringa leaf crop, which provides protein, vitamins and minerals in their diets. The greatest potential for this species is currently thought to be in its cultivation for the production of biodiesel. Yields of about 20 metric tons of pods per hectare per year are achievable for this species. This would equate to between 3000 and 4000 liters of biodiesel per hectare per annum. It is particularly desirable because it is a very low water-use crop and may be cultivated on marginal land commercially

Moringa research & development

The Biodiesel Business Academy (BBA) of Advanced Biofuel Center (ABC) announced progress on its work with Moringa Oleifera, a Biodiesel producing shrub that bears valuable oilseeds. According to the BBA, it has developed a micro-cutting mass propagation technique using the plants developed through its MOMax3improved seed product line and a set of best practices that will enable high oil yields.

ABC included Moringa Oleifera in its research portfolio on the basis of certain solid credentials: a higher recovery and quality of oil than other crops, no direct competition with food crops as it is a edible source of fuel, and no direct competition with existing farmland as can be grown for both purpose same, in year 2009. ABC scientists are continuously working on enhanced genetics, agronomics and horticulture sciences to drive new varieties, more knowledge around the plant’s nutritional requirements and more science-based processes for the care and custody of the plant and have achieved reliable and scalable results in Moringa energy farming.

ABC team’s Moringa Oleifera work has resulted in evolution of new variety through scientific selection that will enable highly productive plantations of the crop to be grown. In April this year, a new Moringa variety named as MARU-MORINGA was introduced. Maru Moringa: First yield starts in 4 to 6 months after plantation & gives commercial yield up to 10 Years. (Per year two seasons with better uniformity, improved self-branching, early flowering and higher productivity.BBA’s elite Moringa Oleifera variety ‘Maru-Moringa (MOMax3™)’ will yield at maturity as high as 3-4000 liters of oil per hectare, with proper nutrition and irrigation.

Enhanced cultivation Technology

Even a superior genotype variety planted in inadequate soil and improperly cared for, will be unable to reach its potential and will create dissatisfied stakeholders. The ABC’s goal is to triple Moringa yields within 10 years, increase the oil content to 48 percent and in combination of other crops the target oil yield is 1500 gallon per ha. Further, to increase the quality of the oils and other products produced—while minimizing inputs including pesticides and fertilizers.

The years of continuous research, experiments and in cultivating and breeding of Moringa Oleifera and other biofuel cropsABC was able to develop a systematic breeding and cultivar development strategy. Newly bred cultivars are extensively tested in multi-location trials and true to type seeds are being produced with high quality standard MOMax3™ Elite HYV Moringa Oleifera Improved Seeds

Through itsMOMax3™ improved seed product line, ABC provides growers the highest yielding, most uniform and profitable Moringa Oleifera in the world. Improved seeds result in greater yield, uniformity and vigor while significantly reducing Plantation costs for growers.MOMax3™improved varieties have been tested and developed for a range of climatic and soil conditions.

ABC’s proprietary technology for the mass production of Moringa Oleifera plants from mini-cuttings obtained from the mother plant raised throughMOMax3™seed plants enables a significant production increase over traditional propagation methods.

Food vs fuel & Moringa

Globally, about 870 million people do not have enough to eat, and more than two billion suffer from micronutrient deficiency, according to United Nations (UN) food agencies. The Moringa tree is increasingly considered as one of the world’s most valuable natural resources, as the main constituents of the tree have several nutritive ingredients. Its leaves, pods and flowers are considered good sources of vitamins A, B, B2, B3, B6 and C, folic acid, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, and amino acids. More importantly, its leaves are highly nutritious; being a significant source of beta-carotene, vitamin C, protein, iron and potassium Arial. Moringa oleifera is an essential plant in meeting global food security and sustain the livelihoods of many millions of people.

  • Moringa: Yields
  • Yield Estimates:Moringa oleifera
  • Approximate Yield/hectare
  • Optimal yield: 1st year
  • Seed yield: 9 tons
  • Oil (36% of Yield) ton: 3.2 ton
  • Biodiesel ton: 3.2 ton

ILUC discussion and Moringa

Many studies have shown there is enough land available to produce more food, more feed and more biofuels. Though the discussion of indirect land use change (ILUC) caused by biofuels is not scientifically supported, the Moringa does not causes land use change. Contrary to it Moringa is targeted for marginal lands which are unproductive. Most importantly it is food crop and same time it yields biodiesel- a perfect answer to the unscientific discussion

Biodiesel can make a large contribution to the world’s future energy requirements; this is a resource we cannot ignore. The challenge is to harness it on an environmentally and economically manner and without compromising food security.

Economics: Cost & benefit ratio

By using Moringa tree for biodiesel production and then utilizing the waste for further oil extraction. Using current proven sate of art agronomy, enhanced cultivator and technologies developed by BBA, the biodiesel from Moringa would be economically viable. The Moringa Biodiesel can be produced< US$ 50 per barrel without taking into account by-products revenue. If we credit the revenue from by-products like press cake, glycerin, leaves etc. Biodiesel can be produced @ no cost, see detailed economics below

Moringa has attracted attention as pressure mounts to find sustainable alternative fuels to help meet countries’ renewable energy targets and cut greenhouse gas emissions, without interfering with agricultural production. Researchers at ABC has honor to establish this untapped resource as alternative source for Bio- Diesel industry of future as Moringa is a strong candidate to contribute significant amounts of biofuel feedstock.

Therefore the Moringa trees must be regarded as a sure source of 2nd Generation Biodiesel and the foundation around which a profitable Business plan can be built for its ability to provide large amount of oil and its pure hardiness and stress handling ability. The Moringa is tree that has enough credentials: a higher recovery and quality of oil than other crops, no direct competition with food crops as it is a source of fuel +food, and no direct competition with existing farmland as it can be grown on degraded and marginal land. As a multipurpose tree it meets food requirement adequately

Based on our proprietary knowledge and extensive experience gained we have developed and enhanced a wide range of products for creating a “FALESAFE MORINGA FARM”

Moringa biodiesel business plan: ABC’s Professional Business Plan Service

A feasibility study and a business plan are essential steps in developing a successful biodiesel business. However it is not easy to prepare an excellent business plan.

With its extensive experiences in the field, enhanced technology, plant science & professional knowledge, effective consulting service and business intelligence ABC can clearly understand the business model, products and services, production, marketing and provides all aspects of feasibility analysis and business development including assessments of the following: crop production, crushing, co-product markets, feedstock acquisition and contracting, technology analysis, risk analysis specific to biodiesel technology, feedstock, markets, and general project risks, market and financial analysis.

We make the integration of our experience and professional knowledge with your information. We provide in depth analysis of crop cultivation and crop care part of plan for which we have team of agronomist and plant scientists, and then we have engineers and experts in biodiesel industries to finish the technology and production part of business plan.

We have professionals in accounting to complete financial and economics part. ABC can offer the type of consulting that only numerous years of leadership in the biodiesel market can provide at an affordable price.

  • Production Costs
  • Chemicals Cost per barel
  • Chemicals and Ingredients 1.80 $/barel
  • Total Chemical Cost 1.80 $/barel
  • 3.59 $/barel
  • Other Direct Costs $/barel
  • Repairs & Maintenance 1.58 $/barel
  • Transportation 3.15 $/barel
  • Water 0.22 $/barel
  • Electricity 0.95 $/barel
  • Other 1.29 $/barel
  • Total Other Costs 7.18 $/barel
  • Fixed Costs $/barel
  • Depreciation 5.75 $/barel
  • Interest 3.76 $/barel
  • Labor & Management 6.03 $/barel
  • Marketing & Procurement 1.26 $/barel
  • Property Taxes, Insurance, etc. 0.47 $/barel
  • Total Fixed Costs 17.27 $/barel
  • 34.54 $/barel
  • Total Costs
  • Total Variable Costs 16.16 $/barel
  • Total Variable & Fixed Costs 50.70 $/barel
  • Less Income from Biomass & residues 51.40 $/barel
  • Net cost (0.70) $/barel

If we deduct the added benefit of leaves, powder, Press cake, glycerin and carbon credits, the Moringa biodiesel shall have no cost implication. There’s millions of acres on which Moringa could be farmed around the global in conjunction with food crop on arable or no arable land.

Understanding the years of journey from which the biodiesel industry has performed over the years from soil to sky, to where it is today, BBA looks to introduce Moringa into the industry with ease and optimism.

ABC can help clients identify the needs, opportunities and solutions of their local, regional and national markets. By identifying these needs and providing management direction, ABC can help in creating a perfect business plan in order to develop and manage an effective and successful biodiesel facility. The most critical component of any business plan is the pro forma, an educated view or projection of what the performance of a company is capable of, given a specific set of assumptions and conditions. ABC has been involved in identifying these needs for specific projects for a number of years and can help develop a realistic and obtainable:

  • Income Statement
  • Balance Sheet
  • Capital Budget
  • Cash Flow
  • Break-even Analysis
  • Sensitivity Analysis
  • Assumptions Governing the Projections

These projections will be valuable in determining feasibility of the project, securing financing, attracting investment and guiding management so that the company can reach its full potential.

ABC’s knowledge arm BBA has identified the factors limiting the adoption and use of the Moringa Tree for Agricultural Development for Producing Biodiesel. Second International workshop on Moringa for Food and Fuel Security in Jaipur on 21-22 November 2015 will explore the important role Moringa play in the lives of rural people and the global economy discussing advancement of existing and future agricultural development projects. CJP’s experience, expertise, and views about Moringa and its use for agriculture development for the purposes of reducing hunger and poverty shall be highlighted in the 3rd Global Moringa Meet 2015.

The 3rd State of Art International Workshop on Moringa Production & Applications Guarantees Focused Learning for Moringa Stakeholders; Dramatically Reshape Moringa, Planting Activity; Compare KEY Planting Practices to Adapt for Local Conditions; Register for Moringa Production & Applications- 21-22 Nov 2015, Jaipur, India.

Global Mprina Meet is a showcase of all the latest trends and shifts occurring in the Moringa value chain, bringing together on a single platform, the best expertise to discuss and analyze the present and future dynamics of Moringa from a technological and socio-economic angle.

The 3rd Moringa Meet India is the most authoritative Moringa Programme and the ONLY event that you need to attend to keep abreast of the development in international Moringa sector. Now is a good time to confirm your participation at 3rd Moringa Meet India and avoid disappointment as seats at the Programme sell out fast!

As seats are limited in 3rd Global Moringa meet 2015,register now. One can contact Coordinator Programme on M +91 9829423333 or mail to sign up for the event early and secure his/her place without delay

Advanced Biofuel center
+91 9829423333
Skype: cjp-india

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