World Climate Change Challenge - Next Generation of World Leaders Think Tank on Climate Change

The World Climate Change Challenge is seeking sponsors to support the participation of more than 200 young people from around the globe in the


See more details at ‘Think Tank’.

The World Climate Change Challenge is seeking financial support from companies & governments whom are keen to encourage & assist their young citizen’s active participation in a global forum aimed at trying to stem the ever growing tides of global warming.

Each United Nations country is allowed to send one young person 18 to 28 years old to participate in the Think Tank.

The WCCC seeks to raise USD5,000/ participant to provide airfares, visas, accommodation & meals for the 3 day event, which will be staged in Europe alongside UNFCCC - COP 19, November 2013.

In particular the WCCC is seeking donors or sponsors for the young participants coming from developing or small island nations.

The benefits for, and exposure of, sponsors will be enormous, as the world media picks up on this focused group of young people working as one to resolve the climate change problems that their respective governments have in the past found difficultly finding any common ground.

The Leaders of Tomorrow, must get involved today, in the decision making process which will determine the condition of the planet they are all destined to inherit. They cannot afford to wait, for the passing of the baton.

If you are keen to assist young people get involved in the Climate Change decision making process please write to,

Mr Paul Phillips
World Climate Change Challenge

And we will send you a ‘Sponsors Package’ for your consideration.

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