Negara Eropah (UK) Berita

Climate scientist Professor Benjamin Horton
The outspoken climate scientist, who has repeatedly sounded the alarm on the need to transition away from fossil fuels, leaves Singapore after almost eight years.
A shift to competitive auctions could accelerate the move to renewables, but much depends on how the policy is designed and implemented.
China’s solar and wind farms would no longer be guaranteed sales at a fixed price linked to coal benchmarks, under a new policy released by the central government.
Steep energy price hikes force factory closures, but investments in energy efficiency could ease the crisis.
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Negara Eropah (UK) Pendapat

Singapore central business district and skyline
For companies, the challenge is not choosing between idealism and abandonment but forging a pragmatic path that balances resilience, local adaptation, and long-term business priorities.
Data suggests women do at least two and a half times more unpaid household and care work than men. Time use surveys help quantify that labour for making better policy decisions.
Quantitative summaries of how women spend their time are helping make gendered, unpaid labour and care work visible.
SDG branded totems

Polisi & Kewangan

Last chance for the SDGs?

The World Bank’s International Development Association could help lift millions out of extreme poverty and support adaptation to climate change. Unfortunately, some key donors are not carrying their weight.
Eco-Business Changing Course exhibition
Eco-Business has launched new subscription plans for our community. We invite you to support our independent journalism and thought leadership initiatives to forge a sustainable Asia and beyond.
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Negara Eropah (UK) Video

Climate spirals
As planetary temperatures reach an all-time high, a climate scientist has designed a new way to show how global temperatures have changed every month since the start of the industrial revolution and 2021.
one planet wales
What can you do to help quell the devastating impacts of climate change? Start life on a greener path in the countryside.
UK flood barriers
The risks of tidal flooding are worsening across much of Britain—and that is leading to more protective barriers being put in place.
boxing barbie
A study released on Wednesday shows women in every country still do far more unpaid work, like childcare and chores, than men.
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Negara Eropah (UK) Audio

The heat is on Formula 1 to curb its carbon footprint.
Formula 1 emits the carbon equivalent of 30,000 homes as it roars through 21 countries in a season. Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 head of sustainability Alice Ashpitel says the sport's ambition to decarbonise by 2030 is not unrealistic.
Clover Hogan, climate activist, speaking in 2019
Eco-anxiety is a healthy psychological response, says 24-year-old activist Clover Hogan. The founder of nonprofit Force of Nature tells the Eco-Business Podcast how to respond to anxiety in a world that is "numb" to the climate crisis.
Plant-based food
Studio EB The booming alternative protein sector has experienced turbulence this year. The Eco-Business Podcast asks if growth in plant-based meat alternatives can go the distance.
An Eco-Business debate in 2019
Studio EB Covid-19 didn't kill events, but it did change them. Teymoor Nabili and Veemal Gungadin tell the Eco-Business Podcast how a pandemic transformed the way sustainability events are conceived and organised.
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leaf background pattern