A strategic review of where the conventional electric generation and power utility business goes in the short- and long-term, based on interviews with experts, vendors, engineers, power and energy executives.
Unconventional gas supplies, post-Fukushima shifts in nuclear policies and continuing growth in coal power create a challenging scenario for climate change mitigation and clean energy alternatives over the coming decades. In the U.S. power gets greener thanks to cheap gas, while Europe boosts growth in ‘brown power’ on cheap U.S. coal imports. Reliability challenges loom in Europe as Germany exits nuclear, while low power prices, must-take peak-rate solar generation and high gas prices make gas power unprofitable across Europe. Change in nuclear scenarios as nuclear power industry adapts quickly to the Fukushima fallout and prepares for growth surge-but mostly in China and outside the U.S. North America gas prices and exports fuel a gas boom, but IEA’s forecast shows coal going from 33% of global electric power in 2010 down to still 29% from 2020-2035 and carbon capture & storage technology providers have to work hard to stay relevant.
Table of Contents
01.Massive investment in gas E&P and LNG reshapes global markets, raises environmental, energy security and trade concerns.pg 1-5
02.U.S. coal to gas shift brings challenges to utilities, grid managers and policymakers & opportunities across the energy business supply chain.pg 6-11
03.Europe’s energy future takes another twist as power companies ramp up coal as gas becomes too expensive and takes nuclear forks in the road.pg 12-15
04.China’s future growth, usage patterns and power mix to determine trajectory of global GHG emissions growth; Nuclear or coal; CCS or not?pg 16-20
05.Market & Company Profiles: Alstom keeps faith with CCS; Midstream gas has strong demand for environmental due diligence; Shale gas and oil E&P is top market for environmental services; Xcel Energy retires coal, likes wind to hedge gas prices; Santee Cooper reduces coal reliance through dispatch switching.pg 21-35
06.Nuclear Power Review: Fukushima reshapes nuclear industry worldwide; U.S. nuclear industry copes with slow growth, seizes export opportunities; Small Modular Reactor designs move to next level; Global review of nuclear power markets; International Isotopes supplies nuclear fuel from waste.pg 36-50
Exhibits included in this issue:
- Global Installed Electric Capacity By Fuel In 2012 in GW
- IEA Forecast of Global Electric Capacity By Fuel, 2010-2035 in GW
- Trends & Issues Impacting Energy Choices in 2013
- EIA Forecast of Net U.S. Electricity Generation by Fuel Type (bil kwh): 2010-2040
- U.S. Weighted Annual Average Coal & Natural Gas Prices ($/MMBtu): 2002-2012
- Projected U.S. Coal Capacity to be Retrofitted or Replaced (GW)
- Changing Scenario: World Primary Energy Demand by Fuel 2008-2035
- Liquefied Natural Gas Exports and Imports in 2011 (243 mmtpa): Exporter by Region & Importer by Region
- Forecasted Supply-Demand Gap for LNG in Asia (mmtpa)
- China’s Role in Global Consumption of Coal & Oil: Coal Consumption (2010); Oil Consumption (2010)
- Global Coal Consumption in Mil. Tonnes: 1970-2011
- Four Short-Listed CCS Projects in the United Kingdom
- Top 10 global regions by estimated shale gas technically recoverable resources (trillion cubic feet
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