The world is just five years away from a deadline to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, part of a comprehensive global blueprint to reconcile economic progress with environmental …
Asia's net-zero transition requires between US$26 trillion and US$37 trillion in investments over the next three decades to meet the Paris Agreement targets, according to the Asian Investor Group of …
The Covid-19 pandemic has diverted resources from tackling rabies in Southeast Asia, where the disease has been spreading. This white paper investigates the prevalence of rabies in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, …
There is a growing trend in Asia of governments and the private sector coming together to address social needs, and CAPS' latest study spotlights these "public-private partnerships for social good." …
This whitepaper sought to understand the ways in which cloud technology has benefited society, as well as to identify the ingredients needed to ensure greater digital inclusivity and sustainable growth …
Effective water management is crucial for both Thailand's large agricultural sector and for its fast developing high-tech manufacturing sector. Cloudasset's Digital Solution for Water Management integrated over 40 databases and …
Over 8 billion kilograms of plastic enter the world's oceans every year. Marine plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental concerns facing the world today. Asia, in …
With the tagline "Taking the Pulse of the Planet", State of the World's Birds is a major global assessment that uses bird species to measure the health of our ecosystems …
Southeast Asia is facing a growing cooling crisis, but its people remain unaware of the threat that inefficient cooling technologies can pose to national development and the environment, finds a …
Calling for a 'new industrial revolution' to promote equitable human well-being with lower resource use, the report cautions that the Asia-Pacific region cannot depend on declining natural resource costs for …
The number of green building in Thailand has been growing rapidly since 2007, almost doubling annually between 2007-2012, of which the 80% is accounted by new commercial constructions. CSR or …
Start-ups with creative business models are beating multinationals to the punch in powering lights for the global 1 billion living off-grid, according to Lux Research