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Wunderman Thompson launches regeneration rising: Sustainable futures
Wunderman Thompson Launches Regeneration Rising: Sustainable FuturesNew research shows people want brands to lead the sustainable path to the future, with an opportunity to show leadership, build long-term resilience and …
State of the World's Birds 2018—taking the pulse of the planet
With the tagline "Taking the Pulse of the Planet", State of the World's Birds is a major global assessment that uses bird species to measure the health of our ecosystems …
CLEAR Info: Investment strategies incorporating environmental operational risk appraisal data
CLEAR Info is a project that aims to demonstrate a system for integrating company and site level environmental data into decision making. Part of this involves using operational risk appraisal …
Free management briefing on what business can do to tackle deforestation
Here is Innovation Forum's new management briefing on what companies can do to minimise their deforestation footprints, work with NGOs and manage legal and reputational risk.
The Smart Grid Business 2011 to 2016
By 2018 the world pure Smart Grid business will need to be running at $155 billion, some 50 per cent larger than the current annual expenditure for all electrical transmission …
Your electric vehicle emits 75 gCO2/km... at the power station
We all know that an electric vehicle has zero tailpipe emissions and the popular counter argument is usually "what about the emissions at the power station"? This Ecometrica paper answers …
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