Singapore Sustainability Pulse Survey

Singapore Sustainability Pulse Survey

Singapore-based companies are starting on the journey towards sustainability, although most of them have not yet made the connection between corporate responsibility and profitability. This is the main finding of a new survey conducted by Eco-Business in June 2016 of 352 respondents from Singapore on their attitudes towards business sustainability.

Of these respondents, 25 per cent were Chief Executives, VPs, GMs and MDs, with a further 22 per cent at director level and 34 per cent regional managers or managers. Forty one per cent of the respondents were from multinational companies, while another 41 per cent were from local companies with the remainder from other organisations such as government or academic entities.

The survey also revealed that manufacturing companies are more advanced in their consideration of sustainable business practices than services companies.

Multinational companies claim to have more robust sustainable business practices than local companies, although senior executives from both types of companies differ in their opinions on the sustainability of their operations compared with the views of their line managers.

The most adopted sustainability practice by companies is in the area of energy consumption and resource conservation, with 89 per cent of respondents saying their companies have these policies in place.

A common sentiment among respondents was that corporate attitudes towards sustainability were somewhat nascent in the region with a director of a multinational automotive company commenting: “This is still a very ‘young’ topic in APAC, especially in Southeast Asia. But it is getting more traction.”

Download the research paper to find out more.

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