Penyelidikan / #biomass

From sustainale biomass to competitive bioenergy
The aim of this White Paper is to share some of Denmark's solutions and experiences in transforming sustainable biomass resources into competitive bioenergy solutions.
How can Renewable Energy Technology be Extensively adopted in Developing Nations
Renewable Energy is central to sustainable economic development; it moderates growth of energy demand contributes towards the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and significantly lowers dependency on oil. Renewable Energy …
Technologies Offer Gasoline from Natural Gas as Low as $75 per Barrel
An unprecedented price disparity between crude oil and other resources – coupled with the emergence of cheap and abundant shale gas, especially in the United States – is transforming the …
Reaping Profits from Biomass, Solar, and Fuel Cell On-Site Generation
On-site generation technologies need cost reductions of up to 50 per cent: Rising electricity rates or carbon pricing can help, but onsite generation like solar, wind, biomass and fuel cells …
Top Alternative Fuel Company Rankings
Codexis, Amyris, Husk Power Systems, BTG-BTL, and Thermya Top Alternative Fuel Company Rankings
The bioenergy and water nexus
Bioenergy and water are inextricably linked. For the first time, this report examines in depth these interlinkages, highlights the risks and opportunities, and offers an outlook on ways to address …
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