Penyelidikan / #carbon footprint

From 2022 to 2023: top sustainability stories in 2022 and implications in the new year
2022—a year of ongoing uncertainties as the Covid-19 pandemic rages on, geopolitical tension, and the global energy crisis from the Russian-Ukraine conflict formed the backdrop for the global ESG developments.
How does Qatar's World Cup score on sustainability?
The 2022 FIFA World Cup ended with one of the most dramatic football finals last week, with Lionel Messi-led Argentina snatching its third world champion in a 3-3 (4-2 penalty …
The green leap: How the energy transition is transforming China's economy
China’s goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2060 is accelerating the transformation of its economic activity and energy mix, signalling a major shift in how energy in the country is …
How to reduce supplier carbon emissions
You can help your suppliers reduce their emissions - and your own carbon footprintFor most businesses, around 90% of total emissions occur in the value chain - a large portion …
Green Development 2030

Karbon & Cuaca

Green Development 2030

A combination of digitalization and decarbonization will drive a new era of green development. Together with its customers and partners, Huawei will continuously innovate, use green ICT to empower green …
Building biodiversity – the natural resource management approach
The Co-Chairs of the International Resource Panel hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme (Izabella Teixeira, former Environment Ministry of Brazil and Janez Potocnik, former European Commissioner for Environment and …
Nature-based solutions in carbon offsetting
After a decade-long slumber, carbon offsetting is once again entering the mainstream. Driven by net-zero pledges from corporates, government commitments, and consumer demand, green projects that remove or avoid the …
Carbon offsetting in higher education
As the effects of climate change continue to be felt globally with increasing severity, there is an increased desire among private sector actors to do something about the looming catastrophe. …
Behaviour change—save nature please
Human behaviour - including how we interact with nature - is complex, influenced by many different social, economic and cultural factors unique to individuals, communities and nations. Now help is …
The business case for natural climate solutions: Insights and opportunities for Southeast Asia
Nature already mitigates a significant portion of man-made GHG emissions; approximately a quarter of these emissions are absorbed by trees, plants, and soil, while another quarter is absorbed into marine …
The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Report 2020
GDP and other economic measurements do not fully reflect current state of affairs and future development potential. Based on 127 quantitative data indicators, the Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index evaluates performance …
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