Penyelidikan / #financing

Global Sustainability Pulse Survey
The next time you are in your local bank, ask them about their sustainability and CSR practices. Ask the same question of your university professors if you are at school, …
AIDF mobile for development:Transforming global healthcare through mobile technology
The Aid & International Development Forum (AIDF) has just released its second publication on the use of mobile technologies for development and humanitarian work with a focus on health.
Investing in the blue economy: Growth and opportunity in a sustainable ocean economy
The ocean remains one of the least developed regions on earth. This is about to change. The ocean and its inestimable pool of resources represents a new economic frontier for …
The landscape for impact investing in South Asia
The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), in partnership with Dalberg Global Development Advisors, published the full release of The Landscape for Impact Investing in South Asia, a "state of the …
Natural capital risk exposure of the financial sector in Brazil: Full report
Brazil's financial sector is dependent on natural capital to support economic growth and ensure future returns for investors. Nature's assets are abundant in Brazil, from its farmland, forests and energy …
 Green bonds briefing: Realizing the potential of the green bond market
Green bonds offer the potential to raise billions in capital to fund renewable energy projects and a host of other sustainable technologies to enable the transition to a sustainable economy. …
Climate change, green bonds and index investing: The new frontier
This is a collaborative research project between S&P Dow Jones Indices and Infrastructure Credit Alpha Group LLC.
The S&P Green Project Bond Index: Capturing a deeper shade of green
Green project bond indices can serve as the basis for environmentally friendly and sustainable investments by tracking bonds that fund projects with clear environmental benefits, mitigating the impact of climate …
Bright ideas: Global trends in solar finance
Bright Ideas focuses on mega trends in solar finance which are reshaping the globalisation of this technology.
Castor Bean Can Cut Carbon & Fuel the Future
Castor is an important non-edible oilseed crop of the family Euphorbiaceae with great utilitarian value in industry, agriculture and pharmaceutical sectors. The presence of hydroxyl group and double bonds in …
Nonfood Biodiesel Seed Leaflet: MAHUA-Madhuca longifolia
The two major species of genus Madhuca found in India are Madhuca Indica (syn. Bassia latifolia) and Madhuca longifolia (syn.Brassica longifolia). Mahua is the widely accepted as local name for …
Report warns of ways climate change threatens food security of urban poor
Increasing food production is the main policy prescription for addressing food security, but this neglects the crucial importance of access and affordability for low-income urban residents. This according to the …
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