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The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index 2015
Scandinavia dominates the Sustainable Competitiveness Index 2015 while Japan higest ranking Asian country (11), followed by China (25), Signapore (34) and Korea (40) USA only ranked 41, UK 48
Climate change, green bonds and index investing: The new frontier
This is a collaborative research project between S&P Dow Jones Indices and Infrastructure Credit Alpha Group LLC.
Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI) 2012 Review
The 2012 results of the annual Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI) review have been announced by SAM, the investment boutique focused exclusively on Sustainability Investing, and S&P Dow Jones Indices, …
Inclusive Wealth Report 2012

Polisi & Kewangan

Inclusive Wealth Report 2012

The International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP) proudly announces the launch of the Inclusive Wealth Report 2012 (IWR 2012) at the Rio+20 Conference in Brazil.
Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index
Drawing on a variety of experiences in developing models to evaluate sustainability and risk modelling tools, SolAbility has developed a model to measure the level of sustainable development, "Sustainable Competitiveness" …
Water Impact Index


Water Impact Index

Veolia Water and Veolia Environnement's Research & Innovation group developed the Water Impact Index, the first indicator enabling a comprehensive assessment of the impact of human activity on water resources.
Coming Clean: The Global Cleantech Innovation Index 2012
This report investigates the global state of cleantech innovation in entrepreneurial start-up companies. We are currently faced with a range of climate, energy and economic challenges. Technology start-ups provide one …
Sustainable Competitiveness Index
To measure the impact of sustainability on economic competitiveness, the World Economic Forum is developing a new analytical framework – the Sustainable Competitiveness Index (SCI). The SCI takes a long-term approach to highlight factors that could represent...
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