Penyelidikan / #water efficiency

Economic Feasibility of Non-Food Feedstock Based Biodiesel Part 2
In a previous article titled Economic Feasibility of Sustainable Non-Food Feedstock Based Biodiesel Production: Part 1, we have covered how Pongamia Pinnata is going to be sustainable low cost feed …
Reducing Food LOSS and Waste

Makanan & Pertanian

Reducing Food LOSS and Waste

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that 32 percent of all food produced in the world was lost or wasted in 2009. This estimate is …
The 2013 Sustainability Leaders
Another year has passed and the results of the latest GlobeScan / SustainAbility opinion survey on leadership look startlingly similar: Unilever on top. That's not the whole story of course …
Farm to Factory: Technology in Reducing Water Risk in the Food and Beverage Industry
As the food industry focuses on water savings for sustained growth, Lux Research rates 39 companies with technologies that can help.
Water Scarcity: A Dive Into Global Reporting Trends
In this edition of KPMG's Sustainable Insight we explore how the world's major businesses are setting out their approaches to water scarcity via their key communication vehicles on corporate responsibility …
Water for Business
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and SustainAbility released today Water for Business.
Smart Water Meters
Rising Demand for Water to be a Key Driver for Smart Water Meter Adoption
Peak Water: Risks embedded in Japanese supply chains
Many companies in the Nikkei 225 are likely to be exposed to water-related financial risk through their supply chains. Understanding which suppliers are most exposed to water shortages and floods …
Water Risk Filter
Water is becoming a hot topic for business, yet most companies don't know where to start in understanding and responding to water issues. This tool is designed to help companies …
The Stockholm Statement
The 'Stockholm Statement' calls on leadership at all levels of government that will participate at the Rio+20 Summit (4-6 June 2012) to commit to achieving "universal provisioning of safe drinking …
The bioenergy and water nexus
Bioenergy and water are inextricably linked. For the first time, this report examines in depth these interlinkages, highlights the risks and opportunities, and offers an outlook on ways to address …
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