#AIIB Berita

Sunil Acharya Oxfam Asia
Sunil Acharya, Oxfam’s policy and campaigns coordinator for Asia, tells Eco-Business why he thinks the greater use of guarantees to mobilise financing in the private sector is problematic, especially as MDB lending is still at market rates. Globally, the charity is pushing to “decolonise the aid sector” which it says is broken.
AIIB 2024 annual meeting
While this year’s forum is the first to include civil society talks, NGOs say the China-based multilateral bank did not give them control over the agenda. Doubts have also been cast on the efficacy of AIIB's accountability mechanism for environmental and social issues, which has rejected all five complaints to date.
Carbon Capture_Climate Finance
The region's multilateral development banks and state investment funds appear to be in flux about how money is raised and funnelled towards the energy transition with carbon pricing splitting views.
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#AIIB Pendapat

Belt and Road international forum_2017_Xi Jinping_Joko Widodo
Indonesian president Joko Widodo sees building infrastructure as a key national priority. China’s lending filled a funding gap, but can Indonesia avoid a debt trap?
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#AIIB Siaran Akhbar

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#AIIB Penyelidikan

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