#air pollution Berita

A new study finds that while crop burning is often blamed for Delhi’s severe winter air pollution, it is not the capital’s primary source of toxic air.
Pak Gadang walks down the log yard at OKI pulp mill
APP is Indonesia's first major resources firm to get its climate goals approved by the Science Based Targets initiative, although the targets do not yet include its biggest source of emissions. Rival RGE has also restated its climate commitments despite political signals of the country's retreat from the Paris Agreement.
Neglected in the elections, the issues of clean air and villagers’ protests against a proposed plant expose failures in waste management and air pollution control.
Residential areas next to a major nickel processing site on Indonesia’s Halmahera Island recorded exponential increases in diagnoses of respiratory infections between 2020 and 2023.
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#air pollution Pendapat

Manila traffic
Metro Manila’s road congestion woes can be solved. But they have been hampered by slow implementation and weak political will.
Youth activists demand a global ban on solar geoengineering, warning it’s a dangerous distraction from real climate solutions and a generational betrayal.
Better airshed management can tackle Delhi’s persistent air pollution.
Diwali season in India is also "pollution season" and the fight against air pollution is hardest at this time of the year. India needs to quickly identify which technology solutions can effectively ensure clean air for its people.
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#air pollution Video

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#air pollution Audio

Studio EB With alternatives such as sustainable aviation fuel still too expensive and low in demand for the aviation industry to consider, carbon offsets could be a way to reduce emissions – if used right. EcoSecurities and the International Air Transport Association tell the Eco-Business podcast how airlines can ensure compliance when new regulations become mandatory
Manila, Philippines
Studio EB If a real estate development can reduce energy and water consumption – and emit fewer carbon emissions – it is built to last, Oliver Chan tells the Eco-Business podcast. The key, however, is to first educate future homeowners and businesses that going green does not mean breaking the bank.
Air pollution in Beijing
Has Covid-19 really improved air quality? Eco-Business spoke to air pollution epidemiologist Dr Vivian Pun about the real air quality story behind the pandemic, and what the virus is telling us about tackling the world's most underrated environmental issue.
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#air pollution Penyelidikan

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leaf background pattern

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