#awards Berita

A-list 2025
The award recognises outstanding professionals and youths in Asia Pacific who are driving change across policy, business and society. Judges say clarity of vision and strength in project execution are key attributes they will look out for.
Mangroves in Iloilo.
The story, penned by Iloilo-based writer Rhick Lars Albay, documented the rapid growth of a coastal forest in his hometown and explained how mangrove mapping could be an effective decision-making tool for the region. It was recognised for being a story of triumph.
WAN-IFRA Awards 2024
The sustainability-focused publication came up tops among competitors in the small and medium media category for 'Best Newsletter' at the awards ceremony held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Grassroots innovation is central to tackling Asia’s energy divide, writes Nicole Iseppi, director of energy innovation at the Bezos Earth Fund.
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#awards Pendapat

Ego not eco t-shirt
Does the ego of sustainability practitioners matter, as long as they are achieving impact? Or does the pursuit of recognition undermine the good work being done in the world’s most important region for sustainable business?
indigenous tribes united nations award
Indigenous communities, like the Sungai Utik Dayak Iban Longhouse community in Indonesia, are guardians of the land on which they reside. Across the world, there is growing recognition of their work towards protecting the environment and mitigating climate change.
penan tribe malaysia
University of Southampton lecturer James Dyke makes the case for a Nobel Prize for Sustainability.
Winning sustainability awards
Junice Yeo says that when it comes to sustainability awards and rankings, winning isn’t everything
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#awards Video

changing course 2019
Eco-Business releases the trailer for a documentary that traces the relationship between ecosystems in the North Pole and Asia, in the second edition of its flagship campaign on climate action, Changing Course.
liter of light
United States-based Ethical Markets Media has awarded this year’s top ethical media campaigns to ‘A Liter of Light’ from the Philippines and Thai Life Insurance’s ‘Unsung Hero’.
neeti kailas
Studio EB [Sponsored Video] The Rolex Awards for Enterprise honours five young achievers for their remarkable innovation in medical science, environmental conservation and geological exploration.
Suzhou city in China
The city of Suzhou in China clinches the biennial Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize for balancing sustainable economic development with cultural conservation, showing cities in China and other developing countries that urban challenges can be addressed responsibly.
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