#carbon footprint Berita

Bulianta coal mine
The Asian super power’s coal and cement consumption, along with state-owned fossil fuel giants like CHN Energy and Jinneng Group contribute 17 per cent of global carbon emissions, finds a new study by Carbon Majors.
China’s climate ambition at this year’s “two sessions”, which ended on 11 March, was relatively subdued, with analysts expecting economic concerns to trump climate action in the year ahead.
From more frequent direct flights to marketing drives, some of the Philippines' most pristine destinations are campaigning for more visitors. Eco-Business reports on why there is renewed optimism for sustainable tourism in the archipelago.
Hong Kong Exchange Square
Paul Chow, group CSO of the city's bourse operator, drew parallels between Hong Kong and Singapore, which he says has implemented top-level initiatives to price carbon and govern emissions trading. The city also needs to boost its relevance as a 'super-connector' for China, say panellists at the ASIFMA annual conference.
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#carbon footprint Pendapat

Cirebon 1 coal power plant
New methodologies for approving carbon credits based on early coal plant retirement do not address addresses the inherent flaws of avoided emission offsets.
Data centre_op ed DeepSeek
China's DeepSeek demonstrates that AI can be trained in a more efficient way and has enormous implications for Big Tech, which will be pressured to justify efforts to reduce climate impact.
Two experts call on companies to calculate and report Scope 3 emissions along their value chain as soon as possible.
LNG field at Tangguh, Indonesia
With one of the weakest carbon taxes globally, the region’s largest economy risks becoming the world's leading enabler of carbon leakage, where emissions aren't reduced, just outsourced to nations with weaker policies.
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#carbon footprint Video

Jack Johnson and Jessica Cheam
Eksklusif Jack Johnson says yes, but it is a long road ahead. In this exclusive interview, we ask the American singer-songwriter and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador about his hopes for the state of the world and how music plays a role in providing a dose of optimism in dark times.
The Green Mortician is Singapore's first water cremation service
The Green Mortician is the city-state's first water cremation service, which has a small carbon footprint compared to traditional funeral options.
SP Group, My Carbon Footprint
Studio EB Thinking about your carbon footprint can be mind-boggling. Even if you wanted to do something about it, where do you start? With this mobile app, all the information you need is at your fingertips.
fairprice group food waste ss
Studio EB Singaporeans are well-known foodies, but around 800,000 tonnes of food is wasted every year. Why is so much food wasted, and what can consumers do about it?
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#carbon footprint Audio

Singtel's Andrew Buay
Andrew Buay, vice president for group corporate sustainability at Singtel, tells the EB Podcast that CSOs should not be precious about losing part of their job as the function evolves.
Tsim Tsa Tsui in Hong Kong
Studio EB CapitaLand sustainability chiefs Vinamra Srivastava and Giovanni Cossu tell the Eco-Business Podcast that there is a viable path to net zero for the world's fastest growing cities.
Plastic bag in water
Studio EB Plastic waste is flooding the planet. Instead of waiting for regulation to drive change, give value to recyclables and mobilise the people, says Plastic Bank.
EB Podcast Dubai Sustainable City
Eyes are on whether the city’s plan to build the world’s “greenest highway” will take off. The Eco-Business Podcast speaks to Marwa Nahlawi from Diamond Developers, the real estate developer behind Dubai's "Sustainable City" brand, which adopts a similar green spine concept.
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