#deforestation Berita

Indonesia’s largest environmental group, Walhi, has filed a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office, accusing 47 companies in the palm oil, mining and forestry sectors of corruption and environmental destruction, allegedly causing 437 trillion rupiah (US$26.5 billion) in state losses.
Indonesia’s Supreme Court has upheld the government’s decision to block further expansion of the Tanah Merah oil palm project in Papua, preserving a Jakarta-sized swath of primary rainforest.
Local Indigenous communities say the mining sites have put their food security at risk, with pollution affecting fruit trees and root vegetables as well as depletion of local fisheries.
Indonesia's plans to expand agricultural land to feed a growing population could raze climate-saving peatlands and forest.
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#deforestation Pendapat

Even though the global economy depends on a stable climate and reliable ecosystem services, businesses and financial institutions are not required or incentivised to invest in nature. Central banks and supervisors could change that trajectory simply by fulfilling their financial-stability mandate.
As the UN’s shipping regulator explores ways to decarbonise global shipping, biofuels aren’t the green alternatives they are portrayed to be.
'Stop the chop': Demonstrators rally against deforestation in Sarawak, Malaysia
For years, Indigenous communities in Sarawak fought against logging on their lands. Today, they can claim a rare victory as timber giant Samling has withdrawn from logging native forests in the Baram area.
As Indonesia forges ahead with plans to become an advanced economy, an honest reckoning needs to occur, to ensure that it does not squander its vast environmental resources for short-term gain.

Makanan & Pertanian

Plantations are not forests

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#deforestation Video

Tata Balladares
The veteran journalist talks to Eco-Business about how his Emmy-nominated documentary depicts the lives of environmental crusaders in Asia's deadliest country for guardians of the seas and forests.
A green iguana
The origin of Covid-19 is believed to be a market selling live wild animals. Eco-Business asked Anbarasi Boopal of Singapore-based animal welfare charity Acres about the link between the exploitation of animals and pandemics, and what can be done to curb the illegal wildlife trade.
Simon Lord and Pamela Mar on Sustainability One on One
In the first in a new video series where sustainability leaders interview each other about the toughest things about their jobs, Simon Lord of Malaysian palm oil giant Sime Darby Plantation went head to head with Pamela Mar of Hong Kong-based textile and apparel giant Fung Group.
pygmy elephants sabah
From conflict to co-existence: Earthworm Foundation has come up with a solution to managing human-elephant conflict in palm oil plantations in Sabah.
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#deforestation Audio

Apa Kata Wanita Orang Asli EB podcast
The stories of Malaysia’s indigenous tribes are now being captured through the fresh lenses of young female filmmakers. In this bilingual podcast recorded in English and Bahasa Melayu, they tell Eco-Business why they've picked up the camera.
Palm oil farmers working with Natural Habitats
Some environmentalists would argue that there's no such thing as sustainably grown palm oil, because of the crops links to deforestation and human rights abuses. Eco-Business spoke to Monique van Wijnbergen about how palm can be done right.
People using ATM machines in Singapore. Image: Robin Hicks/Eco-Business
Fossil fuels, tobacco, weapons—our banks could be spending our money on things we don't want them to. Eco-Business talks to finance expert Mayur Singh about why consumers in Asia should asking banks how they spend their money.
woman oil palm plantation worker
Studio EB RSPO's new standards ban deforestation and growing on peat. But what are the challenges of putting the new rules into practice, and how will they be effectively enforced? On this podcast, Eco-Business spoke to industry experts from RSPO, WWF and Wilmar International.
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