#e-waste Berita

DeepSeek_China flag
The climate impact of using the Chinese AI software may not be lower than Western models, experts say. Regulatory gaps need to be filled to curb emissions as AI usage rises.
Electric rickshaws have proliferated, but a lack of regulation and concerns about safety and health have made them a subject of protests and litigation.
The growing demand for lithium-ion batteries, driven by electric vehicles, is expected to result in a surge of spent batteries in developing countries, raising concerns about the destructive mining practices used to extract lithium.
Indonesia electronics
The region’s per-capita burden is low but its recycling laws cannot handle the sheer volume of junked phones and fridges. Globally, improperly discarded gadgets, including solar panels, add to a mounting health and environmental crisis.
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#e-waste Pendapat

Prohibiting mining in key areas can safeguard biodiversity and Indigenous rights in the energy transition.
Space junk
23,000 pieces of ‘space junk’ float in orbit, and almost as many ideas for how to get rid of them are being floated on Earth.
formal dismantlers
By 2050, two-thirds of the world's citizens will live in cities, putting pressure on infrastructure such as waste management systems. How can IoT help develop smarter ways of reducing waste?
mining africa
One tonne of e-waste contains more gold than 17 tonnes of ore, making it a rich alternative to traditional mining. Recycling precious metals and minerals from used electronics can help make today's consumption patterns more environmentally sustainable.
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#e-waste Video

eco action day
At this year's Eco Action Day Industry Roundtable 2018, participants discussed how to build more creative and resourceful industries and infrastructure for a more sustainable Singapore.
Trash on the sidewalk in Singapore
Where do your coffee cups, clothes and household appliances go to die? New documentary Trash Trail traces the afterlife of consumer goods in Singapore to reveal surprising findings.
Apple store
In Apple's new campaign, the company known for its disruptive products is upping the game by adopting corporate policies that aim to "leave the world better than we found it".
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leaf background pattern