#healthcare Berita

The government has ambitious plans for renewable energy but coal power is still on the rise.
Plastic is now ubiquitous in the Mekong, Asia’s Mother of Rivers, and experts and local people are struggling to contain the risks to human health, biodiversity and livelihoods.
Pakistan's Sherry Rehman said climate finance debt is pushing developing countries into "recovery traps".
An ambitious roadmap for smog mitigation has been launched in Pakistan’s Punjab province, but experts are not convinced.
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#healthcare Pendapat

Better airshed management can tackle Delhi’s persistent air pollution.
Diwali season in India is also "pollution season" and the fight against air pollution is hardest at this time of the year. India needs to quickly identify which technology solutions can effectively ensure clean air for its people.
The number of cancer cases in Singapore is on the rise even though the hazardous material was banned more than 30 years ago.
Shoppers could be exposing themselves to carcinogens in the fabrics of the ultra-cheap, ultra-fast fashions they buy online.
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#healthcare Video

manila bay with boats
The Philippine government has begun the process of relocating more than 200,000 families living along waterways to restore Manila Bay, the main body of water in the capital.
airconditioner units
Studio EB What makes cooling such a hot topic when it comes to climate change? This year's #Innovate4Climate summit will look at the problem and potential of sustainable cooling.
child receives a drink of water in Sudan
Worldwide, 100 million families are stuck in a cycle of poverty and disease because of the lack of access to clean water. What would it take to slake humanity's thirst for water in a sustainable way?
palm oil technology
With no forests, people lose access to wild food and are forced to purchase more unhealthy food, including packaged foods.
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leaf background pattern

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