Despite being highly vulnerable to climate risk, Sri Lanka is slow to tap into climate funding due to a range of issues including inadequate data systems, institutional weaknesses and limited capacity to design and implement viable projects.
Tourism has caused severe coastal contamination, with consistently high faecal coliform levels in the sea off El Nido, despite efforts like a new sewage treatment plant.
Public development banks must spearhead a systemic overhaul of global finance to ensure climate funding reaches the most vulnerable and accelerates the green transition.
Serge Ekué dan
Javier Díaz Fajardo
The financing gap is huge, but time is short. Given the inadequacy of a promised new climate finance goal, Southeast Asia should look beyond UN-led conferences to crowd in other sources of capital to tackle the climate crisis.
Prapimphan Chiengkul
Studio EB
From sponge cities to coastal forests, Asia is seeking ways to work with nature and prepare for the risks in a warmer-than-expected future. This Eco-Business video looks at what else cities need to do to strengthen climate resilience.
Video footage appears to show protestors, who were demonstrating against mining operations, being dragged away by police near Ipilan Nickel Mine in Brooke’s Point, Palawan. Mining insiders are calling for maximum tolerance in similar standoffs.
A coalition of scientists and environmentalists found “widespread economic impacts” for communities in the Philippine province, heightening calls for accountability from the sunken tanker reportedly chartered by a San Miguel Corp subsidiary.
Mining operations at Altai Philippines Mining Corporation have been suspended for now, after week-long protests from locals of Sibuyan Island in Romblon, who claimed the extraction of nickel ore will disrupt the island’s intact ecosystems.
LGBTQ people have long had to chart their own paths in the face of discrimination on bread and butter issues, like housing and employment. Pink Dot campaigners tell the Eco-Business Podcast their hopes amid a political leadership refresh.
In celebration of Indigenous Peoples' month in the Philippines, the former United Nations special rapporteur tells the Eco-Business Podcast about her lifelong work to empower communities in Asia’s most dangerous country for environmental defenders.
"Earth For All" is an update to the landmark 1972 book that warned of our unsustainable growth. Jørgen Randers, the author who worked on both titles, tells Eco-Business what is at stake if we don't fix our broken economic system.