#IPCC Berita

Nations hit hard by warming are not asking for the moon, just international law to be respected.
The Dammert of the Natural Resource Governance Institute has proposed a global agreement on mineral traceability and transparency.
The rate at which atmospheric CO2 is increasing is now outpacing the pathways set out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that limit global warming to 1.5C.
Compared to its other export industries, China’s cleantech is much less vulnerable to Trump administration trade measures.
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#IPCC Pendapat

Tropical cyclone Ilsa_Australia
The upcoming climate summit needs to address how storms are becoming more impactful closer to the coast. Preparing for such events is more cost-effective than dealing with the aftermath of inadequate preparation.
Pacific Island countries are on the frontline of climate change and are leading the way on adaptation and resilience.
tuvalu citizens
Unlike war, environmental impacts are not accepted as a reason to seek asylum under international law. But this could change as Australia’s climate visa for citizens of small-island state Tuvalu legalises the status of the climate migrant.
Climate change is expected to displace tens of millions of people by mid-century, especially in the Global South. By enhancing international cooperation, we could improve the lives and livelihoods of the displaced and develop sustainable solutions that enable affected communities to rebuild.
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#IPCC Video

Antonio Guterres
At a high level event seeking to reinvigorate the political momentum on climate change, senior UN officials say climate change is an unprecedented and growing threat, but it also comes with a massive opportunity that should not be missed.
Screen Grab Patricia Espinosa Interview Feb 2017 Carbon Brief
Patricia Espinosa is tasked to steer the international climate negotiations through the finer details of the Paris Agreement. What happens if the US renegades on its current commitment? Is Brexit a threat? Her answers on this video.
arctic ice cap melt
More than 200 climate science and policy researchers, economists and social scientists have descended this week on Keble College in Oxford for a two-day conference entitled “1.5 degrees: Meeting the challenges of the Paris Agreement.”
christiana figueres ban ki-moon
With 31 more countries submitting their instruments of ratification for the Paris climate pact last week, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says he is confident the Paris Agreement will have entered into force before his term concludes.
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#IPCC Audio

EB Podcast with IPCC
UN climate report authors need to commit to the integrity of assessment processes while working with governments with differing interests. Dr Theresa Wong tells the Eco-Business podcast why the stakes are high to get climate science right.
EB podcast IPCC authors
What's it like co-writing a 3,500 page report on the dangers of climate change with hundreds of scientists worldwide, over Zoom calls during a pandemic? Eco-Business speaks to authors from the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore who were in the thick of the action.
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