#lighting Berita

solar lamps taal volcano
Two weeks after the Philippines’ deadliest volcano blew up, thousands of displaced residents are still living without electricity and inhaling ash. Some Filipinos have come up with earth-friendly ideas to make life a little easier for the victims.
Explaining how technology can boost residents' quality of life, and protecting their privacy will be crucial, experts say.
GSK green office
Studio EB At the 2018 International Green Building Conference, experts spoke about the changing face of the workplace and how human health and wellness are driving innovation in construction and building management.
Studio EB Paints have been used for centuries to beautify spaces, lift spirits and keep cities cool in hot weather. Dutch paints and coatings specialist AkzoNobel is proving that paints can help build greener cities too.
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#lighting Pendapat

Energy savings in offices
Increasingly, we’re hearing that individual action is insignificant relative to needed political change, but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook.
Storm over Fossil Fuels
As extreme weather events intensify, so too will the political siege on the fossil fuel industry, and rightfully so. But Daniel Litvin warns that an unthinking backlash on Big Oil could have perverse effects for the global energy transition.
Umlung Village
Villages in rural India, Bangladesh and Africa may be racing ahead of cities when it comes to embracing the Fourth Industrial Revolution and cutting-edge technology for their energy needs, says Global Himalayan Expedition's Jaideep Bansal.
Dimmer lights lutron
Lutron Electronics Southeast Asia director Boon Liang Seng explains how dimming lights can save energy and raw materials, as well as improve productivity.
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#lighting Video

grow wise lettuce
In the city of Eindhoven in the Netherlands, lighting giant Philips has built one of the world’s largest city farming research facility which grows thousands of vegetables, herbs and strawberries in multi-level racks fitted with state-of-the-art technology.
salt lighting mijeno
From seawater to gravity, startup firms are using basic science to create simple and sustainable innovations to light up rural and off-grid communities around the world.
Toshiba veggie factory
Growing green and leafy vegetables in the future would require the help of innovation, says Toshiba, the latest electronics giant seeking to address threats of natural disasters in food security.
liter of light
United States-based Ethical Markets Media has awarded this year’s top ethical media campaigns to ‘A Liter of Light’ from the Philippines and Thai Life Insurance’s ‘Unsung Hero’.
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leaf background pattern