#natural resources Berita

The Kasawari CCUS project in Sarawak, which be the world's largest
The environmental watchdog published analysis warning that there is a "wide trend" of carbon capture, use and storage initiatives in Malaysia linked to fossil fuel expansion. It is one of 19 organisations backing a memorandum to the Senate calling for a controversial CCUS bill to be stopped.
Massive investment is needed to deliver the promise of the Ocean Decade, write four researchers.
Indonesia’s Supreme Court has upheld the government’s decision to block further expansion of the Tanah Merah oil palm project in Papua, preserving a Jakarta-sized swath of primary rainforest.
Local Indigenous communities say the mining sites have put their food security at risk, with pollution affecting fruit trees and root vegetables as well as depletion of local fisheries.
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#natural resources Pendapat

As the UN’s shipping regulator explores ways to decarbonise global shipping, biofuels aren’t the green alternatives they are portrayed to be.
Cirebon 1 coal power plant
New methodologies for approving carbon credits based on early coal plant retirement do not address addresses the inherent flaws of avoided emission offsets.
The ‘rights of nature’ is an allied approach, but nature needs something with more and broader teeth, that can elicit a moral and political consensus on the need for nature conservation.
Land use of Australian coal mines
Major industry players are working together to create a voluntary global standard that can certify minerals as responsibly produced. But such a framework would consolidate the power and influence of these mining giants and allow them to act with impunity, while providing false assurances to investors, governments, and consumers.

Makanan & Pertanian

Plantations are not forests

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#natural resources Video

Tata Balladares
The veteran journalist talks to Eco-Business about how his Emmy-nominated documentary depicts the lives of environmental crusaders in Asia's deadliest country for guardians of the seas and forests.
Dr Sylvia Earle
Eksklusif In this exclusive interview to mark Earth Day, Eco-Business speaks to Dr Sylvia Earle, oceanographer and founder of Mission Blue, who draws the link between our climate crisis and the health of our oceans.
SNAP-Magat Power floating solar
A country that is hit by 20 typhoons a year is looking to its lakes, reservoirs and dams to trial the latest solar technology.
Harvesting the fruit of oil palms, as this man is doing in a plantation in Indonesia, is tiring and sometimes dangerous work
Studio EB Palm oil frequently makes headlines, but the faceless workers harvesting the fruit of the oil palm less so. What are the challenges of the job and how can their rights be safeguarded?
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#natural resources Audio

EB podcast Goumbook 02
Goumbook launched a regional oceans network that brought discussions on the blue economy to the forefront at the last COP summit. Founder Tatiana Abella tells the Eco-Business Podcast why healthy oceans are important for the Middle East.
Dr Sylvia Earle podcast
Eksklusif Oceanographer Dr Sylvia Earle speaks to Eco-Business in this exclusive podcast about the irreversible damage deep sea mining will cause, the link between the oceans and our global climate, and the role that we can all play in 'being at peace' with nature.
Vegan food
Humanity and the planet are suffering from a serious case of food poisoning. Eco-Business spoke to Brent Loken, WWF's global lead food scientist, about how changes to our diet can help fix our broken food system, and restore our health and the planet's strained ecosystems.
Indigenous community, Amazon
The clean energy sector’s poor human rights performance places its legitimacy at risk. Jessie Cato of the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre sheds light on how the industry can avoid labour abuse, land grabs and other violations.
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