#offices Berita

Malaysia people
Amid increasing stakeholder expectations for updated diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategies, a guide tailored to Malaysia's context has been launched to help corporate leaders deal with issues of fair treatment at the workplace.
Alibaba Xixi campus
Studio EB Extreme heat is making air conditioning a necessity. For commercial offices and large-scale city campuses, the use of artificial intelligence and demand response-ready cooling systems could promise efficiency gains.
HYLI 2022 students
Studio EB With the past three years characterised by a global health crisis, geopolitical conflict, and climate-induced extreme weather, the Hitachi Young Leaders Initiative sees the youth as the new custodians of the future – able to find opportunity within challenges
Studio EB Pledging to run on 24/7 carbon-free energy in every country they operate in by 2030, Google is pushing for stronger energy and climate policies in Asia and the use of artificial intelligence to drive sustainable innovation.
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#offices Pendapat

singapore mbfc skyscraper
Following a revision to significantly tighten the energy efficiency requirements for a Green Mark certification scheme from November, almost 73 per cent of currently certified office buildings in Singapore could now be 'off the mark'.
Government spending should incentivise consumption of public goods and services, not investment in big infrastructure and heavy industry, write Yao Zhe and Wu Yixiu.
Energy savings in offices
Increasingly, we’re hearing that individual action is insignificant relative to needed political change, but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook.
igbc opening
Instead of being a major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions, the built environment industry can do more to reduce buildings' energy use and help generate clean energy.
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#offices Video

printer ricoh
Toshiba's newly unveiled multi-functional printer with in-built erasable printing capabilities is a world first, and can slash paper use in offices by as much as 80 per cent.
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#offices Audio

GSK green office
Studio EB [The EB Podcast] In the second episode of the series Tomorrow’s cities: Engineering the energy transition, we explore how to build zero carbon cities in fast-growing Southeast Asia.
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