#paper Berita

New leadership at Zero Waste SG
The Singapore anti-waste non-profit sees executive director Huileng Tan move on after three years. Partnerships director Lionel Dorai succeeds Tan in the top job.
Bails of paper await processing at Tay Paper Recycling's facility in Tuas, western Singapiore.
The 34-year-old company is under judicial management. It made a name for itself by recycling millions of red packets discarded during Chinese New Year and is one of Singapore's biggest paper recyclers.
Aida Greenbury has quit HCSA board
The former Asia Pulp and Paper chief sustainability officer has stepped down from the High Carbon Stock Approach Foundation board after 10 years with the tropical forest conservation group. The Indonesian palm oil smallholders union that Greenbury advises, SPKS, has also resigned from HCSA.
A wood chip mountain at APP's Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) mill in South Sumatra.
Greenpeace, which helped forge the Indonesian paper giant's historic pledge in 2013, says it has not lived up to its decade-old commitment to weed deforestation out of its supply chain. APP has rejected the allegations.
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#paper Pendapat

recycling bicycle in shanghai
There's been a lot of focus on getting households to sort their waste, but what happens after it's been collected?
Energy savings in offices
Increasingly, we’re hearing that individual action is insignificant relative to needed political change, but that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook.
haze riau indonesia
To combat the fires in Indonesia and worsening haze, a Singaporean-based blockchain development company has launched the Global Ledger initiative to develop a coordinated regional and global response to such catastrophes.
Dawn on the border of the Juma Reserve in the Brazilian Amazon
What does Brazil's new president mean for the Amazon? Paulo Artaxo from the University of Sao Paulo's examines the damage right-wing Jair Bolsonaro could do to one of the world's most important ecosystems, and what that would mean for the rest of us.
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#paper Video

Katherine Desbaillets, co-owner of SaladStop!
As Singapore-based salad bar chain SaladStop! marks its 10th anniversary, co-owner Katherine Desbaillets talks to Eco-Business about phasing out meat, food waste and single-use packaging, and dealing with customers who refuse to pay 10 cents for a plastic bag.
Restorasi Ekosistem Riau
The sea of green on the Kampar Peninsula is one of last large intact lowland peatland forests of Sumatra. Five years ago, Restorasi Ekosistem Riau was established to ensure the biodiversity and the livelihoods it supports are protected and restored.
smoke aerial haze indonesia
Indonesia has made significant progress in fighting the fires caused by slash-and-burn forestry that choke Southeast Asia annually with toxic air pollution. Eco-Business spoke to the chair of Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) about what it will take to put the fires out permanently.
printer ricoh
Toshiba's newly unveiled multi-functional printer with in-built erasable printing capabilities is a world first, and can slash paper use in offices by as much as 80 per cent.
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#paper Audio

peat swamp kampar gp
Studio EB The once abundant peat forests of Indonesia's Kampar peninsula have been deforested to half its size over the last two decades. Is there hope in saving the country's largest remaining forest reserve? 
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leaf background pattern